Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Comment moderation

I expect a number of bloggers will be happy to hear about this, blogger has introduced comment moderation to blogspot.

Should Iraq Blog Count use comment moderation? If you have reason to object, or not, please lodge your reasoned objection, or not, in a comment (which will be reviewed) or by email.


  • If no-one says anything should a yes be accepted by default and comment moderation turned on?
  • Should administrators be able to moderate comments or should all blog members?

general consensus so far - moderation by blog contributors. Switched it on. All blog contributors are able to moderate comments. See you later, am tired of everybody yelling murder. If you don't hear from me I'm probably secreted in the attic awaiting reprisal attacks (for real). I don't suppose it's occurred to anyone that the scapegoat in waiting here is the same one as usual. Only a matter of time. Only a matter of time now. Already references to "jewish terrorism" are creeping into our headlines, adorned by subtle implication. The most unfashionable faith of all. So be it. I await trial.

More UPDATE: Does anyone find this strange? Where do all these factions come from, and why do some parties seem so keen to have them all throw bricks at each other. Did it ever occur to anyone, that tension between Israel and Palestine is just the ticket to keep the ME in perpetual feudal disorder, the perfect climate for sowing seeds of deceit and reaping revenge? Oh sure, toss in a few theocracies and pseudo democracies, shake a few hands and put a show on the road every once in a while. But by Cain, pentagon strategy lies in pitting neighbours against one another, by doling out reward and punishment on whim without reason, by spreading rumour, and by generally keeping one poverty stricken group hurling insults at another poverty stricken group. Where is the tension? On the margins. On the borders, where two factions in extremism are provoked to regale one another with obscenity if not outright violence. Is anybody tired of this yet? If the number of bloggers apparently boycotting their blogs is any indication, a good number are tired of it.

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