Ahh.. another day, another find.
also by Zappy!
who's the admin in this place here?
Salam! can you please add Zappy! to the contributors' list :)?
back to mr.'Max:
NEW! HOT OFF THE PRESSES and whatnot.. this is another good read from Holland, the Netherlands, land of the flowers, windmills, and the Mejiro Gym!
Humorous, Serious, and Sad, mixed together and presented ala mode for our enjoyment! (pardon the painful pun!)
one thing made me wince tho.. he likes "3marat ya3qoubyan"! :)
personal opinion:
overrated movie, overblown book.
reason for popularity/notoriety/lets-all-go-ban-and-burn-'em:
deals with taboo homosexuality themes, critical of government and society.
REAL reasons why i think it sucks?:
-the cast.
i'm SICK AND TIRED of seeing a 50yr old fat-ass (albeit a comedic GENIUS) play a 30ish-yr old DonJuan.
-the abundance of the usual stereo-types.
-Yusra's vocal abilities (a Banshee would sound like Maria Callas next to this "girl")
heyywaitaminute: Where am i going with this post?
who cares!
i would have to return to the main theme sooner or later, i guess now is as a good a time as any:
Solid writing style, balanced posts, and the guy loves 'Maiden!
MixMode, or Mixed Mood??
(nowwwwwww.. for that Then Some! bit: listen up, and you better listen good cuz i'm only gonna say this once:
that bit, namely: "Then Some!", is something i like to add to the end of most posts, to point out that it wasn't over as simply as that..
for example:
when one says:
"I kicked his butt."
the sentence innotates sublimely... oh whatever, it means you beat the tar out of some poor bastard and got on with it.
but, when the same person above says:
"I kicked his butt, and THEN SOME!"
basically means the same as above, but, in addition, it is hinted that you hanged him upside down by the family jewels, roasted onions on his ears, plundered his village, took his wenches for yer own, and basically had yourself a jolly good time!
but, this is all hinted at, mind you.
the beauty of this sentence, "Then Some!", lies in its versatility.
it can be applied anywhere, to denote, as explained earlier, that you went that extra mile.
i really should b writing in my own blog.
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