Well, a week ago I was going through a reflective period of where I was in my Fulbright experience. And positive changes have taken place. I dropped out of college and got a job. That's an exaggeration, but I just wanted to say it that way since it is ironic. I stopped going to Arabic classes at Kuwait University and instead go to learn Arabic from my uncle everday at the library where he works. Today, I started volunteering at the scientific center in the aquarium and education departments. The scientific center is mainly an aquarium. I went scuba diving this morning in the main tank with the sharks and fishes. I hadn't dove for about 2 years, since I had trouble getting my buoyancy underwater, but it was a cool experience. I will be helping to clean the tank of fish exrement and other debris using a sunction hose. In the evening I went back to the scientific center and became acquainted with the education dept responsibilities of what they do, explaining things and giving demonstrations for example. It was interesting to working inside the water tank in the morning and then outside in the evening. In one day of working at the scientific center, I've gotten to know more Kuwaitis than in all my 3.5 months prior. And I got to know guys and girls. And I like that the director of the aquarium dept has made it aware to all the Kuwaitis that I am here to learn Arabic and to speak to me in Arabic. That's great, because that is what I've been wanting, an environment to get to know Kuwaiti youth and hear Arabic spoken and speak with them in Arabic. I feel I finally found a daily routine that suits me for the rest of my time in Kuwait.
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