Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I know I am stretching the definition of 'Iraqi' here, but Deborah Abdulla is married to an Iraqi and her children are half Iraqi. Anyway, its such a great blog that I will have to make her my honorary Iraqi for the week just to include it.

Indigo-Daisy is about poetry (her own and others), peace, recipes and fun. Here is a sample...

The laws of my soul

there are three major types of laws that people will follow,

the laws of the land,
the laws of the church,
and the laws of the soul

if there should come a time when they are not equal, and I must choose one over the other
I shall choose to follow my soul,
for I can step outside of the land and the church,
but I can not step outside my soul.

~Deborah Abdulla

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