Sunday, November 30, 2008

The IELTS Tutor

The IELTS Tutor is a 40 minute CD/Video with an accompanying booklet. It has been developed to help students to pass the IELTS test. This is an international test which students have to pass in order to gain entry into universities in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The IELTS Tutor is unique in that it provides hints and suggestions in an audio-visual format. Most other IELTS preparation materials only provide sample tests. It is being distributed by the University to all IELTS test centers worldwide.





Writing an IELTS Essay 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

Author: Robert Lewis
File type: MP4

8.This video program presents the last persuasive strategy and
how to sound authoritative using technical nouns
Note: even the file name is (by mistake) "IELTS_Essay_9_Video.rar", it is the download link to Essay no. 8! (14.7MB)
7.This video program presents another persuasive strategy:
how to be logical in your writin, to express logical relations using... (9.5MB)

6 This video program introduces persuasive strategies and
grammar we use in writing an academic IELTS essay (11.9MB)

5.This video program presents you how build your vocabulary
and plan your writing using your word map (13.4MB)

4. This video program presents how to develop vocabulary forwriting
an academic IELTS essay

3.In this video program,we look at three main types of essay.
They are argument, explanation and discussion. (22.8MB)

2. This video program presents
a. Some of the most common mistakes that the students made in their
writing an academic IELTS essay
b. A form of an academic IELTS essay and the language used in the
essay (18.7MB)

1.This video program tries to answer the following questions
What is an essay? How can we answer a simple essay question? (41.8MB)

The Mechanical Universe and Beyond

Author: The California Institute of Technology
Publisher: Caltech and Intelecom Intelligent Telecommunications
File size: 70 - 375 MB each
File type: wmv

The Mechanical Universe... And Beyond, is a 52-part telecourse filmed at the California Institute of Technology. The series introduces university level physics, covering topics from Copernicus to quantum mechanics. The series, produced in 1985 by Caltech and INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, uses historical dramatizations and visual aides to explain physics concepts. The latter were state of the art at the time of production: almost 8 hours of computer animation were done by computer graphics pioneer Jim Blinn. Each episode opens and closes with a "phantom" lecture by Caltech professor David Goodstein. Though more than 20 years old, the series is often used as a supplemental aide for its clear explanation of phenomena such as special relativity even today.

1. Introduction
This preview introduces revolutionary ideas and heroes from Copernicus to Newton, and links the physics of the heavens and the earth.

Rapidshare link

2. The Law of Falling Bodies
Galileo's imaginative experiments proved that all bodies fall with the same constant acceleration.

Rapidshare link

3. Derivatives
The function of mathematics in physical science and the derivative as a practical tool.

Rapidshare link

4. Inertia
Galileo risks his favored status to answer the questions of the universe with his law of inertia.

Part1 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part2 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part3 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part4 of .rar (Rapidshare)

5. Vectors
Physics must explain not only why and how much, but also where and which way.

Rapidshare link

6. Newton's Laws
Newton lays down the laws of force, mass, and acceleration.

Part1 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part2 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part3 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part4 of .rar (Rapidshare)

7. Integration
Newton and Leibniz arrive at the conclusion that differentiation and integration are inverse processes.

Part 1of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part2 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part3 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part4 of .rar (Rapidshare)

8. The Apple and the Moon
The first real steps toward space travel are made as Newton discovers that gravity describes the force between any two particles in the universe.

Part1 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part2 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part 3of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part4 of .rar (Rapidshare)

9. Moving in Circles
A look at the Platonic theory of uniform circular motion.

Part1 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part2 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part3 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part4 of .rar (Rapidshare)

10. Fundamental Forces
All physical phenomena of nature are explained by four forces: two nuclear forces, gravity, and electricity.

Part1 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part2 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part3 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part4 of .rar (Rapidshare)

11. Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism
Shedding light on the mathematical form of the gravitational, electric, and magnetic forces.

Part1 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part2 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part3 of .rar (Rapidshare)

Part4 of .rar (Rapidshare)

12. The Millikan Experiment
A dramatic recreation of Millikan's classic oil-drop experiment to determine the charge of a single electron.

Rapidshare link

13. Conservation of Energy
According to one of the major laws of physics, energy is neither created nor destroyed.

Rapidshare link

CBT NUGGETS Visual Basic 6.0 Combo Packag

CBT NUGGETS Visual Basic 6.0 Combo Package :

Contains VB 6.0 Fundamentals, Desktop Apps and Distributed Apps
Includes 43 Videos
If you'd like to learn everything about Visual Basic, from the fundamentals to the most advanced concepts, then the VB 6.0 Combo Package is for you. It includes VB 6.0 Fundamentals, VB 6.0 Desktop Applications, and VB 6.0 Distributed Applications, and sells for a considerable discount when compared to purchasing the packages individually.

Visual Basic 6.0 Combo Package Contents:

Visual Basic 6.0 Fundamentals
- Introduction to Visual Basic
- Visual Basic Basics
- Project and File Types
- Procedures, Functions and Scopes
- Variables and Data Types
- Flow of Control
- Debugging and Error Handling
- Control, Controls and more controls
- Designing an Effective User Interface
- Using ActiveX Controls
- Introduction to Data Access
- Using the ADO Data Control
- Finishing Touches
- Visual Basic Certifications and Resources

Visual Basic 6.0 Desktop Applications
- Installing and Configuring Visual Basic
- Visual Basic Essentials
- Sample Application Overview
- Advanced Controls
- Visual Data Access Tools
- Introduction to ADO
- Using ADO
- Building Data Reports
- Introduction to the Component Object Model
- Building COM Components
- Working with COM Components
- Building ActiveX Controls
- Enhancing ActiveX Controls
- Deploying an Application
- Visual Basic's Internet Capabilities

Visual Basic 6.0 Distributed Applications
- Introduction to Enterprise Application Architectures
- Overview of the CBT Nuggets Distributed Sample App
- Advanced ADO Techniques
- Advanced COM Concepts
- Implementing Data Services with COM .DLLs
- Introduction to MTS
- Installing, Configuring, and Using MTS
- Integrating Business Services with MTS
- MTS Security Models
- Advanced Visual Basic Options
- Visual Basic Enterprise Tools
- Advanced Client/Server Technologies
- Introduction to the Win32 API
- A Glance into the Future: VB.NET

Download :

Learn CCNA in 5 days

Learn CCNA in 5 days !

The Cisco CCNA network associate certification validates the ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks, including implementation and verification of connections to remote sites in a WAN. This new curriculum includes basic mitigation of security threats, introduction to wireless networking concepts and terminology, and performance-based skills. This new curriculum also includes (but is not limited to) the use of these protocols: IP, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Serial Line Interface Protocol Frame Relay, Routing Information Protocol Version 2 (RIPv2),VLANs, Ethernet, access control lists (ACLs)

Download :

Size : 24.20 MB

Password :


Trainsignal Cisco CCENT Training Videos

Become an Entry-Level Network Engineer By Passing the CCENT Exam (640-822 ICND1)!

2 CDs

Complete Coverage of the Cisco CCENT Exam: Install, Operate and Troubleshoot a Small Enterprise Branch Network, including Basic Network Security
Getting Your CCNA can be Hard! The CCENT Makes it Easier With the 2-Step Approach. No need to cram all of the information into one exam!
15+ hours of Expert Instruction on CD with Real World Cisco Networking examples so you can learn to Deploy and Manage your first Cisco Network.

Here are a few of the topics covered in our CCENT Training Videos that you'll find on the ICND1 Exam:
Operation of Data Networks
- OSI and TCP/IP Models
- LAN/ WAN Operation and Features
- TCP vs. UDP
Ethernet Technologies
- Ethernet Standards
- Cable types: Straightthrough, Crossover, and Rollover

Implementation of a Small Switched Network
- Operation of Cisco Switches
- Basic Switch Security
- VLAN theory and demonstration
- Troubleshooting
IP Addressing & Services
- Private IP Addressing
- DNS Operation
The Cisco Routing Process
- Basic Router Processes and Commands
- Introduction to RIPv1 and v2
- Cisco IOS
WLANs - Wireless Networking
Security: Identify and Mitigate Threats

Orginal page on train signal :

Download :

Size : 340.39 MB

Password :

Download Part 1 - Download Part 2 - Download Part 3 - Download Part 4

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Blogs (Arabic-English)

Violet for Iraq belongs to the category of day-to-day memoirs of Iraqi teenagers, a blog that talks about. well you know. She also has an Arabic blog in which she publishes poetry. While Aws Ayad opens his blog by being furious about a college incident with a girl.

Ali The Translator seems to confirm the fact that Iraqi translator blogs are making a niche, he talks about stuff such as politics, and also his experiences in Tal-Affar.

حبيبي يا عراق مدونة إسلامية شيعية احيانا يخالطها شيء من وقائع الحياة التي تعيشها صاحبة المدونة: العراقية بنت العراق

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Topik 86: Apa itu tashrif?


Istilah Nahwu Shorof sering diidentikkan dengan tatabahasa arab. Dunia seputar bahasa arab, sekurangnya meliputi tiga hal: nahwu, shorof, dan balaghoh. Nahwu membicarakan mengenai hukum-hukum huruf, kata, dan kalimat, dan bagaimana bunyi akhir dari sebuah kata. Sedangkan shorof membicarakan bagaimana perubahan bentuk suatu kata kerja dari bentuk past, present, dan perintah, dan perubahan bentuk kata kerja ke kata benda turunan, dan juga perubahan bentuk kata kerja sesuai pelaku dari perbuatan tsb. Sedangkan balaghoh membicarakan tentang keindakan suatu bahasa, atau lebih memperhatikan aspek sastra dari bahasa tsb.

Inti sari nahwu adalah i'rob. Sedangkan intisari shorof adalah tashrif.

I'rob إعرب berasal dari 'arab عرب, sering disebut dengan "arabization" atau "peng-arab-an". Mengapa disebut "peng-arab-an"? Karena bahasa arab sangat kaya dengan perubahan bunyi akhir dari sebuah kata. Ambil contoh.

أذهب إلى المسجد - adzhabu ilal masjidi : saya sedang pergi ke masjid

Kata "masjid" disini dibaca "masjidi". Kenapa bukan "masjidu", atau "masjida", atau "masjidun" atau bukan "masjidan", ataupun "masjidin"? Karena begitulah aturan nahwu-nya.

Kalau kata masjid itu digunakan dalam kedudukan lain:

المسجد كبير - al-masjidu kabiirun

Disini "masjid" dibaca, "masjidu". Tidak "masjidi", atau yang lainnya. Kenapa bisa begitu? Ya karena begitulah peraturan nahwu arabic fusha (tata bahasa Al-Quran).

Terlihat bahwa, yang jadi fokus adalah cara membaca dari akhir kata, apakah berakhiran, "u" -- seperti "masjidu", atau "i" -- seperti "masjidi". Ini lah yang kita sebut dengan i'rob (arabization).


Mengetahui i'rob belum cukup. Kita harus mengetahui shorof. Shorof ini menjelaskan perubahan bentuk kata kerja.


أذهب إلى المسجد - adzhabu ilal masjidi : saya sedang pergi ke masjid

Disini digunakan kata أذهب - adzhabu untuk menekankan bahwa pekerjaan "pergi" itu belum selesai.

Jika sudah selesai, maka kata kerja adzhabu berubah jadi dzahabtu.

ذهبت إلى المسجد - dzhabtu ilal masjidi : saya sudah pergi ke masjid

Ada lagi perubahan dari kata kerja ke kata benda. Contoh:

ذهب - dzahaba : pergi --> kata kerja
ذاهب - dzaahibun : orang yang pergi --> kata benda

Nah perubahan dari bentuk adzhabu ke dzahabtu inilah yang dibahas oleh Shorof. Demikian juga perubahan dari kata kerja ke kata benda ini juga dibahas dalam Shorof.

Dua hal ini (perubahan kata kerja past ke present, dan, perubahan kata kerja ke kata benda) disebut dengan Tashrif Ishtilahi.

Shorof, juga membahas perubahan bentuk kata kerja jika pelakunya berubah. Seperti dalam contoh sebelumnya, untuk pelaku "kami".

ذهبنا إلى المسجد - dzhabnaa ilal masjidi : Kami sudah pergi ke masjid

Perubahan yang seperti ini disebut Tashrif Lughowi (perubahan kata kerja karena berubahnya pelaku).

Demikian sepintas tentang pembahasan, apa itu tashrif.

Wallahu a'lam.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Topik 85: Haram, Hurum, Ihram


Jawaban untuk pertanyaan Om Im.

Kata Haram, Hurum, Ihram, Muhrim, Mahrum, Mahram, dst berasal dari akar kata yang sama, yaitu:

حرم - haruma : menjadi terlarang

Bagaimana bentuk perubahan, atau tashrifnya?

Kata حرم - haruma, bentuk mudhory' (present tense) adalah يحرم - yahrumu, dengan mashdar ada beberapa bentuk: حرم - hurmun , حرم - hurumun, حرمة - hirmatun, dan حرام - haraamun. Semua ini artinya: menjadi terlarang.

Nah, kata mashdar حرام (haraam) ini yang sering dipadankan dengan sebagai lawan kata dari حلال (halaal)

Contoh penggunaan kata kerja-nya:
حرمت السحور على الصائم : harumat assahuuru 'alaa asshooimi (Sahur itu menjadi terlarang bagi yang berpuasa)

حرمت المرأة على زوجها : harrumat al-mar-a-tu 'alaa zaujihaa (Wanita itu menjadi terlarang bagi suaminya)

Sedangkan kata mashdar حرام - haraam, yang berarti "yang haram" adalah bentuk singular, dan bentuk pluralnya adalah حروم - huruum.


الارضى الحرام - al-ardh al-haraam : tanah terlarang, tidak dikuasai, neutral zone
البيت الحرام - al-bayt al-haraam : rumah terlarang (Ka'bah), terlarang bagi non-muslim
الشحر الحرام - asy-syahr al-haraam : bulan haram, terlarang berperang
الاشحر الحروم - al-asyhur al-huruum : bulan-bulan haram

Kalau kita teruskan, maka kita dapatkan bentuk isim fa'ilnya (kata benda pelaku) adalah حارم - haarimun, dan isim maf'ulnya (kata benda objek) محروم - mahruum. Dan bentuk isim zaman (kata benda keterangan terjadinya perbuatan) atau isim makan (kata benda tempat terjadinya perbuatan) adalah محرم - mahram. Kata mahram ini artinya "terlarang", juga berarti "orang yang haram dinikahi". Jamaknya محارم - mahaarim.


Bentuk KKT-1 (kata kerja turunan ke 1), adalah:

أحرم - ahrama : mengharamkan, dengan bentuk mudhory' يحرم - yuhrimu, dan mashdarnya adalah إحرام : ihraam.

Kata mashdar ihraam, ini arti asalnya adalah "hal pelarangan", atau "hal pengharaman". Kata ini, dipakai pada umumnya untuk menyebut:

تكبيرة الإحرام : takbiiratul ihraam

Takbir "pengharaman": artinya dari takbir ini sholat dimulai, dan diharamkan melakukan yang membatalkan sholat.

Kata الإحرامihraam juga berarti menyengaja untuk memulai ibadah haji atau umrah. Di Al-Quran dikatakan, jika berhaji diharamkan (di-ihraam-kan) perbuatan rafats (berkata kotor), fusuq (berbuat dosa), dan jidal (berbantah-bantahan).

Kalau kita teruskan bentuk KKT-1 ini maka kita akan bertemu dengan bentuk:

محرم - muhrim (orang yang berihram), atau bisa juga menjadi isim fa'il dari kata ahrama, yang bisa berarti "sesuatu yang mengharamkan".


Bentuk KKT-2 (kata kerja turunan ke 2), adalah:
حرّم - harrama : mengharamkan

Secara fungsi mirip dengan KKT-1. Sedangkan perubahannya:
mashdar: تحريم - tahriim : hal pengharaman
isim fa'il: محرّم - muharrim : yang mengharamkan
isim maf'ul: محرّم - muharram : yang diharamkan

Kata muharram ini kemudian diambil jadi nama bulan, yaitu bulan pertama kalender Islam, yang mengharamkan terjadinya perang dalam bulan tsb.

Sebenarnya masih banyak KKT berikutnya, tapi saya cukupkan 2 KKT saja, dan itupun kata bentukan dari dua macam KKT tsb juga banyak sekali.

Semoga Om Im tidak bingung. Kalau iya, silahkan bertanya lagi.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Positive Side to the Financial Crisis?

Now more than ever, people are cutting back on travel due to current financial woes. However, if you've been wanting to travel in Europe, now and in the near future is probably the best time. Airfares are lower than ever before but ,more importantly, the euro is seriously falling against the dollar...a rather shocking development for anyone who must work in exchange rates regularly. 100 euros now equals 125 dollars and the euro is continuing to fall. In France and Italy, as people are rather pessimistic about the financial future, there are now more sales and discount opportunities than ever. The tourism industry is already hurting so this is definitely a time to take advantage of the situation.

How does this affect trends for teaching English? Often when there is a recession, people look to continuing education to hone their skills and make themselves more competitive in the job market. Therefore demand for English teachers should remain stable during these difficult times.

Teaching recitation/translation of the Holy Quarn ( Koran ) in Arabic; Teaching Arabic

Teaching recitation of the Holy Quarn ( Koran ) in Arabic; Teaching Arabic

Here is quick and easy translation of Quran by:
1-Hilali(more explination) 2-shakir 3-pickthal 4-yousef
to see the Arabic writing click on Quran Arabic.

Free Languages Download

Free Languages Download

Those lessons are excellent. try it, they are FREE.You will see and hear the language.

for registration click on the above link.

Arabic flash cards

Search Results

Pleasec note that you may need to register to download the lesson,registration is FREE please allow Time for every things to work.

want to know about byki

e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP) » Join/Register

e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP) » Join/Register

Join the eALP Community
Keep up-to-date

If you are interested to keep up-to-date with the eALP projects and initiatives, you will need to join the site as an interactive member.

You will receive updates and announcements about current and future projects and eLearning events organised by CASAW aimed at helping Arabic Language learners and teachers.

If you would like to take part in ‘face-to-face’ Tandem (at Edinburgh) or online eTandem, please register your interest by completing an online form.

To read more click on the above link.

e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP)

e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP)

e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP) » Blog Archive » eFC | Arabic Prepositions| حُرُوفُ الجَرِّ

e-Arabic Learning Portal (eALP) » Blog Archive » eFC | Arabic Prepositions| حُرُوفُ الجَرِّ

One of many Lesson you can get from the Above link .You must be registered to log on and the registration is free

Monday, November 17, 2008

UK National Arabic Declamation Contest

Date: 12 Nov 2008
From:Haroon Shirwani
Subject:UK National Arabic Declamation Contest

Recite a poem or tell a story
Open to learners of all standards

~The best performances will be awarded prizes by a distinguished panel of judges
~ An excellent way for students to build confidence and learn about Arab culture
~ A great opportunity for students and teachers to meet their colleagues from other institutions and regions.

Date: Sunday 1 March
Time: 2.30 – 5.30 pm
Place: Eton College (Upper School building), Berkshire SL4 6DW


1. Pick a short text that you would like to recite. (The maximum length for each performance is two minutes.)
2. You can recite either as an individual or in a group. (There is no limit to the number of members in a group entry.)
3. Memorise the text and recite it to your teacher.
4. Your teacher can submit up to two entries (either individuals or groups) for each category (see below) to represent your school/college/university at the contest.
5. There will be two categories: Beginners and Open. See below for definitions.
6. Entry is through the school/college/university only. Individual entries will not be accepted.
7. It would be a good idea to organise an internal contest within your school/college/university to decide who will represent it at the national contest.
8. Entries can be made via e-mail to The following information is needed:
(a) Name of institution
(b) Details of participants (names, ages, categories and whether they will be taking part as individuals or groups)
(c) Copies of texts that they will recite;
(d) The number of non-participants (teachers, friends, relatives etc) that will be attending.
9. The deadline for entries is 30 January 2009.
10 If you would like to receive a pack of suggested texts, please e-mail your request to


- Students not from an Arabic-speaking background who are at school/college and below GCSE standard.
- Students not from an Arabic-speaking background who are at university and in their first year.

- Students at school/college or university from an Arabic-speaking background.
- Students not from an Arabic-speaking background who are at school/college and of GCSE standard or above.
- Students not from an Arabic-speaking background who are at university and in their second, third or fourth year.

All entries and enquiries to by 30 January 2009.

See you there!

Best wishes,

Haroon Shirwani

Arabic Dialectology and Applied Linguistics

home page

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Arabic Music Course

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Arabic Music Course

Arabic is spoken in countries such as Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudia Arabic and everywhere in between. Each region has its own recognizable dialect. There are over 300 million people who speak Arabic as a first language worldwide

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Nizar Qabbani

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Nizar Qabbani

Learn Arabic(MSN) words from the best of the best writer(Nazar Qabbani) and different singers ....Enjoy

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Abdel Halim Hafez - Accustomedعبد الحليم حافظ - موعودMawood

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Abdel Halim Hafez - Accustomed<br>عبد الحليم حافظ - موعود<br>Mawood

what time is it now in your country?

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Abdel Halim Hafez - Reader of Fortunesعبد الحليم حافظ - قارئة الفنجان

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Abdel Halim Hafez - Reader of Fortunes<br>عبد الحليم حافظ - قارئة الفنجان

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Abdel Halim Hafez - Ruthlessعبد الحليم حافظ - جبّارGabbar

Arabic Song Lyrics and Translation: Abdel Halim Hafez - Ruthless<br>عبد الحليم حافظ - جبّار<br>Gabbar

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Video Pelajaran Bahasa Arab

Saya baru saja menemukan video pelajaran bahasa Arab lengkap dengan buku text book (dari Madinah Islamic University). Hanya saja video pelajaran ini disampaikan dalam bahasa Inggris. Akan tetapi tutornya menjelaskan dengan sangat pelan sehingga, Insya Allah mudah dicerna.

Silahkan visit link berikut:

Untuk melihat Video (DVD), pilih buku yang akan dipakai misal buku-1, lalu pilih seri Video yang akan ditampilkan.

Dalam page ini juga dapat di download Kamus Arab - English dengan cukup lengkap.

Semoga bermanfaat.