Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cartoon Smart - Action Script 3 - Page Flip Gallery

Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Page Flip Gallery | 187MB | RS,EGS,ES

Cool features…

* Supports multiple file types within one gallery. It can load png, jpg, gif, or swf’s
* Easily create a book-like index by using buttons that jump to specific sections of the gallery.
* Specify the gallery’s image or swf locations and title details from an XML document
Easily update your gallery without republishing by simply editing file names (like “image1.jpg” ) in an XML document
* Reorder the entire gallery by simply switching around the xml tags. This is great for quick edits!

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SAMPLE PICTURE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

C@rt00n $m@rt @ct!0n Scr!pt 3 P@ge Fl!p G@llery

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FEATURES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

* XML based…. So you can specify the gallery’s image or swf locations and title details from an XML document. Plus this makes it easy to update your gallery without republishing the swf file. And also easy to re-arrange the order of the pages. Just move XML tags up or down
* File types… The gallery can load png, jpg, gif, or swf’s (with video)
* Index buttons…. The tutorial teaches how to create index buttons to jump anywhere within the book.
* Supports multiple file types within one gallery. It can load png, jpg, gif, or swf’s
* Easily create a book-like index by using buttons that jump to specific sections of the gallery.
* Specify the gallery’s image or swf locations and title details from an XML document
Easily update your gallery without republishing by simply editing file names (like “image1.jpg” ) in an XML document
* Reorder the entire gallery by simply switching around the xml tags. This is great for quick edits!

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: HOMEPAGE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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