Economics USA
A video instructional series on economics for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 28 half-hour video programs, audiocassettes, and coordinated books
Explore the fundamentals of economic history, theory, and practice, including microeconomics and macroeconomics, through interviews with Nobel Prize-winning economists. The series features Milton Friedman, Paul Samuelson, John Kenneth Galbraith, Walter Heller, and others. In each program, case studies of major economic events show how economic theory relates to the real world. Expanded interviews are available on 28 audiocassettes. This series is also valuable for teachers seeking to review the subject matter.
VOD1. Resources and Scarcity
Wilderness preservation and WWII productivity show how society allocates and transforms resources.
VOD2. Markets and Prices
Developer William J. Levitt's low-cost housing and Reggie Jackson's contract help explain the powerful forces of supply and demand.
VOD3. U.S. Economic Growth
This episode documents the GNP's greatest achievements and failures since its introduction in the 1930s.
VOD4. Booms and Busts
America's roller-coaster economy is examined in light of the economic theories of Marx, Schumpeter, Keynes, and Say.
VOD5. John Maynard Keynes
This program introduces Keynesian economic theory and analyzes the Depression.
VOD6. Fiscal Policy
This program explores how the government's tax and spending policies are used to reduce the severity of business cycle fluctuations.
VOD7. Inflation
This program examines the economic and social costs of the inflationary spiral of the early 1960s and questions whether the problem of inflation has been solved.
VOD8. The Banking System
The S&L crisis is reviewed with a discussion of deposit insurance and the accountability of financial institutions. This program was revised in 1992.
VOD9. The Federal Reserve
The rising power of the Federal Reserve Board and the pros and cons of increasing reliance on monetary policy are examined.
VOD10. Stagflation
Demand-pull and cost-push inflation: looking at the economic crises of the 1970's and the economic expansion of the 1990's. Updated 2002.
VOD11. Productivity
The cause of America's great productivity slide is examined, along with possible solutions.
VOD12. Federal Deficits
This program examines efforts to reduce the deficit, including the Gramm-Rudman Act and a proposed constitutional amendment requiring balanced budgets. Updated 2003.
VOD13. Monetary Policy
Three Federal Reserve Chairmen — Arthur Burns, Paul Volcker, and Alan Greenspan — are examined. Updated 2002.
VOD14. Stabilization Policy
This program covers the debate between monetarists and Keynesians, supply-side economics, and the 1985 Bonn Economic Summit.
VOD15. The Firm
This program looks at the economic factors behind Coke's secret formula change, Studebaker's demise, and The Asbury Park Press.
VOD16. Supply and Demand
The California drought, the Arab oil embargo, and the designer jeans craze reveal the forces of supply and demand.
VOD17. Perfect Competition and Inelastic Demand
This program presents the inside story of American farming's crises from the 1920s to the present. Updated 2003.
VOD18. Economic Efficiency
Rent control in New York City explains the effect of wage and price controls in a free market economy.
VOD19. Monopoly
The stories of Standard Oil, AT&T, and Microsoft demonstrate the power, importance, and problems of monopolies. Updated 2002.
VOD20. Oligopolies
This look at the rise of oligopolies and the growth of government regulations includes a debate of the effects of airline deregulation. Updated 2003.
VOD21. Pollution
The private and social costs of pollution and the international response to global warming are explored. Updated 2002.
VOD22. Labor and Management
The effects of labor unions are discussed with examples from the ILGWU, the New York Herald Tribune, and the UAW.
VOD23. Profits and Interest
This program explains how banks, big business, and little entrepreneurs act to maximize profit.
VOD24. Reducing Poverty
The causes of income inequality and the role of social welfare policy are examined. Updated 2003.
VOD25. Economic Growth
The effects of natural resource depletion and the nature of the telecommunications industry are explored.
VOD26. Public Goods and Responsibilities
The TVA and national health care demonstrate the role of government in our lives.
VOD27. International Trade
This program discusses the effects of international trade, tariffs, and quotas versus free trade. Updated 2002.
VOD28. Exchange Rates
Governments try to control exchange rates, as seen in the Plaza Accord of 1985 and the Louvre Accord of 1987. Updated 2003.
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