- "Ifranji" (ie Frank) letters, that is to say lower case Latin
- Greek (also "Sabi" and "Rumi") and Coptic
- Hieroglyphics (barbāwī) - see also "Suli" and "Qinani". Needless to say, none of the values given bear any discernible relation to their actual sound values.
- The "letters of India", rather reminiscent of the Maldivian thaana
- Syriac, listed as the language of Adam (putting it several generations back from Ibn Hazm's more conservative description of it as the language of Abraham...)
- "Jacobite", basically Hebrew, and the "letters of Aaron", basically Samaritan
- Armenian
- Kufic (early Arabic)
- A table of the directionality of various scripts
- A comparative table of magical alphabets
- A Hermetic alphabet (attributed to Hermes, that is) called "Secrets of the Stones"
Knowing my readers, I suspect I'll have identifications of several of the alphabets I didn't recognise coming soon - although many, perhaps most, of them are certainly made up. Extra points for anyone who can come up with a picture of a magic bowl or something actually using one of the made-up alphabets.
Two other Arabic manuscripts there of potential interest: The conquest of Africa, from Qayrawan to Zab; Book of the Roman months.
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