Monday, June 8, 2009

Complaining about conditions in jail

Apparently Scott Roeder does not like it in jail. He's the guy being held on $5 million bail as the accused murderer of George Tiller, a notorious doctor in Wichita. Anyway, the local fishwrap featured a story on its front page about Roeder's complaints, as well as his warning that more violence is coming if abortion remains legal.

On the subject of jails, Roeder says:
In two separate calls to AP on Sunday morning, Roeder was far more talkative about his treatment at the Sedgwick County jail and the "deplorable conditions in solitary" where he was kept during his first three days there.

Roeder said it was freezing in his cell.

"I started having a bad cough," he said. "I thought I was going to have pneumonia."

He said he called AP because he wanted to emphasize the conditions in the jail so that in the future suspects would not have to endure the same conditions.

What's weird about this is that Roeder apparently spent more than a year in prison back in the mid-1990s after being caught with explosives in his car. His ex-wife says he was on the way to blow up an abortion clinic.

I'm wondering if Roeder isn't in fact delusional, believes that he should be celebrated as a hero for killing the doctor and is going through an "I really shouldn't be here so I'll whine about just about everything to the AP" phase. It doesn't make sense to me. But seriously, if he is this delusional, it's worth reminding whatever readers I may have that vigilante justice is not justice.

The other thing that caught my attention was this:
"I know there are many other similar events planned around the country as long as abortion remains legal," Roeder said. He would not elaborate.
Now what the hey does that mean? I said above that I thought the guy was delusional. Maybe he is and he's cooked up the notion that there are "similar events" going to happen around the country. On the other hand, some of his fellow travelers (Randall Terry, I'm looking at YOU) have been less than temperate in their use of language following the murder. The radical pro-life community would have people to believe that they don't go out and kill people, but there's a lot of suspicion now and perhaps Roeder's playing into that. I don't know. I'm thinking that combined with his statements about jail, the guy's delusional. Maybe he's trying to make himself into Something. I'm thinking that since he's got to pony up $500 grand before he's going to get out of the barry place, he's probably going to be staying there for a while.

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