Saturday, July 4, 2009

The mother of all skeletons

Sarah Palin announced this afternoon that she was not only not going to run for another term as Alaska governor, but she'd be resigning in a few weeks.

In a word: "WHAAAAAAAA???"

It's general political wisdom that you try to run your campaign for the next higher office from your current elected office. That way, you have a base to work from and you can get Free Publicity (And News Coverage) For Your Official Acts.

Not only that, you don't make announcements like this on the day before a national holiday (and, on a quasi-three day weekend for just about everyone except for us working stiffs) unless you really want it to disappear quietly. As one of my friends waggishly put it, "It took Sarah Palin to knock Michael Jackson off all three cable news networks." So much for disappearing quietly.

This doesn't make any sense. All I can think is that Palin has the mother of all political skeletons in her closet. Seriously, she's resigning and Sanford isn't (at least not yet)? I didn't think that Vanity Fair article was all that bad, at least for a whackaloon Republican governor. We all pretty much knew this about her before.

Mother. Skeleton. Closet. Gotta be. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Update: I couldn't resist. Play her off, Keyboard Cat.

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