Sunday, August 2, 2009

"I'm a public figure and this man is videotaping me without my permission" FAIL

Whatever you think about this petition drive, that's really not so important.

What is important is the self-importance of this guy, Greg McPherson, starting about 2:20:

It starts out mildly with Greg limping up the steps and saying:

"So, what's your name? You, what's your name?"

The video guy says, "Who are you?"

Greg: "What's your name, you're harassing me. You're videotaping me without my permission. I'm a public figure. You're taking my image without my permission. I want your name so I can sue you. What's your name?"

Not even a request to turn off the camera...just "I want your name so I can sue you."

The video guy points out that he's turning in petitions at the state capitol in Olympia for a state referendum, but Greg continues to get huffy (at about 2:52):

"I want the police! Hello! Police! Can I get some police here?"

Someone off camera says, "They're in the secretary of state's office."

Greg McPherson, in a tone of total petulance: "That's nice. I need them here. "

He keeps going on and babbling about "police, police" for a couple of minutes until a couple of state troopers arrive.It goes downhill from there for Mr. McPherson, who is schooled by the nice officers about public spaces and so on and so forth.

Greg McPherson may think he owns his image and likeness, but he also put himself in a public space, at the time petitions for a referendum were being turned in, which is news in Washington state. He basically forced himself into the public sphere and then had the temerity to whine about someone videotaping him.

He really needs to get over himself. FAIL.

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