ايش صار للأرنب لما ما رد على امه؟
- What happened to the rabbit when he didn't listen to his mom?
Comments: ايش means "what" in Syrian. Most of the time رد means "respond" or "reply", but here it means "obey" or "listen to". You'll notice that they say إم instead of أم in Syrian dialect. صار means حدث , "happened".
قال الأرنب لامه, إسمحي لي روح العب ماما
- The rabbit said to his mom, "Let me go play, mom."
قالت له لا يا ماما. يمكن يجيك الثعلب. يمكن يجيك الثعلب
- She said to him, "No." The fox might come for you.
Comments: She says يا ماما which is strange to English speakers since she's talking to her son, but this is something Arab parents do when they talk to their kids.هز الارنب بكتافه ما سمع كلمة امه. راح يتمشى على البستان و يقطف ورد و يشمه
- The rabbit shrugged his shoulders and didn't listen to his mother's words. He went walking to the orchard and picked a rose and sniffed it.
Comments: هز means "to shake", but "shrugged" works better when talking about shoulders. They say وارد but that's just to make it go with the rhythm. They mean ورد
شافه الثعلب, هجم عليه!! صار يركض و هو خوفان. و تخبأ في جحر صغير. و ضاع الثعلب في البستان
- The fox saw him and attacked him. He started running and was scared. He hid in a small hole and the fox got lost in the orchard.
إجا الأرنب لامه و عيونه مليانة دموع
- The rabbit came to his mom and his eyes were filled with tears.
قالت له ثاني مرة, خلي كلامي مسموع
- She said to him a second time, listen to my words.
Comments: Literally خلي كلامي مسموع means "let my words be heard."
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