In Arabic the word nasheed نشيد means "hymn", but they use the word for many things that in English we would just call songs, so when you see نشيد it doesn't always mean "hymn" in the English sense. Basically all children songs are called نشيد الاطفال. This song for teaching the Arabic numbers was posted on YouTube as نشيد الأرقام literally, The Number's Hymn. It's mainly for kids, but it's also useful for adults learning Arabic.
واحد, إثنان, ثلاثة, أربعة, خمسة, ستة, سبعة, ثمانية, تسعة, عشرة - Wahid, ithnan, thalatha, arba'a, khamsa, sitta, seba'a, thamania, tisa'a, 'ashara
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
وقف الواحد ليصلي - Waqafa alwahid liyusulli
One stood to pray.
ركع الإثان لربه - Raka'a alithnani lirubbih
Two bowed to his lord.
و الثلاثة واحد و إثنان - Wa athalatha wahid wa ithnan
And three is one and two.
و الأربعة إثنان و إثنان - wa alarba'a ithnan wa ithnan
And four is two and two.
و الخمسة كعكة بسكر - Wa alkhamsa ka'ka bisukkar
And five is a cake with sugar.
و الستة وقفت لتفكر - Wa asitta waqafat litufakkir
And six stopped to think.
و السبعة تنظر للنجمة - Wa aseba'a tunthuru lilnejma
And seven looks to the stars.
و الثمانية عكس سبعة - Wa athmaniatu 'aksu seba'a
And eight is the opposite of seven.
و عصى جدي مثل تسعة - Wa 'asa jeddi mithu tisa'a
And my grandpa's cane is like nine.
و الصفر مع الواحد عشرة - Wa assifru m'a alwahidi 'ashara
And zero with one is ten.
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