Friday, May 25, 2007

Metal Documentary and more blogs

Check the sidebar for this three-shot of blog additions, arranged by order of discovery:

1. Sheko Mako: The recent trend of Iraqi blogs tend be more social than political, this pleasant blog discusses everything from rock music to Iraqi social glimpses, recent posts include attending a Pink Floyd concert, and an Arabic-language post about the tribulations of a small child.
2. Ashoury: This one is a little different and it's a shame that it is not in English. It is written from a French by a Christian Assyrian and it focuses on the p
3. VBS Documentary: A very cool documentary about the only Iraqi heavy metal band's Accrasscida's relative ups and downs, three parts, the first about the show's producers travels into Iraq and their sights and seeings of the country, the second is about the history of the band in Iraq, and the final about their reunion in Syria and the recording of a demo...the good thing is that it is a VLOG, Hometown Baghdad eat yer heart out! :)

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