Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ergun Caner update 07.19.09

Ergun Caner has changed his website bio. (Read the original story here.)

On July 11, 2009, he claimed the following degrees:
BA, MA, MDiv, MTh, PhD

As of today, July 19, 2009, his degrees have changed again.

B.A., M.A., M.Div., Th,M., Th.D.

That's a direct copy from his website and you'll see that the same error is still there, in that his Master of Theology is still referred to as a Th,M (should be ThM or Th.M).

However, Caner has not, as far as I can tell (by going around to the sites) let those places where he's going to speak know that (a) he doesn't have a Ph.D but a Th.D (a perfectly good degree awarded by a reputable institution and (b) he has a D.Min from a, shall we say, less than reputable outfit. In fact, a search on Ergun Caner and D.Min finds a lot of places that have that little alleged credential. A similar search finds similar result for the non-existent Ph.D.

I've got much more important things to do in my life, such as learning Arabic. But I can spare 15 or 20 minutes once a week to search out and see where Ergun has changed his biography. And, by the way, how can Ergun claim that he was "[r]aised as the son of a Muslim leader in Turkey," when it's apparent from other remarks Ergun has made on video and elsewhere that he was raised for the most part in the United States? This sentence gives the impression that Ergun was raised in Turkey when I'm pretty sure that's not the case (but of course, I'm willing to change my mind based on evidence.)

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