Monday, September 28, 2009

Transcript of Rifqa Bary Testimony 09-24-09

The following is a transcription of the phone call recorded by Right Wing Watch and put on YouTube. It's apparently a telephone prayer meeting that occurred on Thursday, Sept. 24. It's led by Lou Engle and features Rifqa Bary, the 17 year old girl who ran away from her home in Ohio, claiming that her Muslim parents were going to kill her. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, Lou Engle heads up a radical Christian (Christianist?) organization named TheCall and is currently joined at the hip with the International House of Prayer movement based out of Kansas City, Missouri. Engle was also a bit player in the documentary Jesus Camp.

[Capitals used for references to deity throughout the transcript Reason: This is how Rifqa thinks of God. Dotted numbers are times within the 9 minute, 3 second video.]

Unknown male: Our little sister is on the line.

Rifqa Bary: Hey, hello?

Lou Engle: OK, we are back on schedule. Everybody on this line, we have a special privilege. You may know the story of this 17 year old girl that has fled under the threat of death, because she’s converted to Jesus. A very precious young lady, named Rifqa Bary. Rifqa is with us tonight, to tell her story and then we’re going to pray for her and this case, court case that’s going on.

RB: Hello, thank you so much. What an honor and privilege. My testimony goes back….I grew up, my family is from Sri Lanka, so my parents were very devout in their faith and very intent on following the original Islam. Uhm, uh, I never really knew I could pray. Prayer in Islam is you physically pray. And I had heard 0.59 somewhere that I could pray, like talk in English. And I cried out to God one night, uhm, I didn’t know who this God was, a lot of things happened at the moment but I asked God this one prayer, I said, “God, if You’re real, show me Who You are and I will follow, I will give my life to You. Stop hiding from me, reveal to me Who You are.” And a couple months later, He, uhm, opened a door for me to go to church without my parents knowing. This was the first time I, I would go to church and I went and I encountered the presence of the Lord and I was struck by His beauty and gave my heart to God. That was when I was 13. At this point, I knew what the consequences were, which was death, uh, my family and I knew it. Of course, I wouldn’t tell anyone, because who would believe me? This is the U.S. I hid my Bible in my house. I would wake up in the middle of the night and cry out to God in the bathroom 1.56 and that’s how God sustained me. I would cry out in there and I would be OK [because He would be enough(?)]. I would pray on a balcony when my parents were asleep. And, uhhh, that’s for four years I hid as a secret Christian and the Lord is simply good in sustaining me and setting my heart ablaze for His Kingdom, every step of the way.

RB: The Islamic community there is very strong and that’s how my parents…I had a Facebook and the community, the mosque had found out that my name was related to Jesus and it had things about God in there, Jesus, and was screaming about Jesus and talked about Jesus and phone calls and e-mails started pouring in and threats were made by my father. That was when I had to make the decision to either leave or denounce my faith. And uh, so I wrote my parents a letter that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and that I refused to deny Him, that I’d pray that they would find His mercy and forgiveness and that I loved them very much. 3.09

RB: I put on a backpack and no clothes. The Lord told me to leave everything behind. So, uhm, I ran for my life and God brought me here to Florida. And now, uh, my dad and the Islamic community want me back home so there’s a whole court proceeding going on in trying to get me back to Ohio. Uhm, so, yeah, that’s my story and but, I’ll go wherever the Lord leads me. Thank you so much for all the prayers of the saints. Like, I’m not supposed to be here (laughs). The Lord is simply good. Uhm, yeah, that’s my…3.49

LE: Rifqa, we are so thrilled that you could join us and there are thousands that are on this phone call. Now, they’re going to want to pray with you and for you. But before we pray for you, you said to me, “This is not about me.”

(RB: Yes, yes)

LE: It’s about millions of Muslims hearing about Jesus. I believe you’re an Esther for such a time as this. I wonder if you would simply lead us in prayer

(RB: Yeah)

LE: that Muslims would hear your testimony and the testimony of Jesus and come to know Je[sus]. Would you lead us in prayer? We’ll join you. 4.20

RB: Certainly. Yeah. Father God, we just thank You, Jesus. We thank You, God. I cry out, God, on behalf of my people, Jesus. I plead Your blood over them, God and I ask [unintelligible] God, would you expose the lies, expose the lies, Father [unintelligible] allowed tonight 4.43 [unintelligible] make us ready to gather tomorrow to pray for Jumuah, Father. I pray that You would encounter them with dreams and visions [unintelligible] where You would break through and break the bonds of generational curses that stand, that the blood of Jesus speak Lord. 5.02 Father, we declare that You are Lord, Jesus, that You are Lord. Father that you send forth fire from heaven, God, on [unintelligible] and break the hardened hearts, Jesus, because I stand [unintelligible] Jesus, I cry out on behalf of my people 5.25, o God that a testimony would arise even tomorrow as we gather for this Father God [unintelligible] plan [unintelligible] Jesus, go forth Father God 5.38, for Your glory, Jesus, for Your glory, God. [stops abruptly at 5.42] [sniff] Jesus.

LE: 5.51 Come Holy Spirit

RB: [low cry]

LE: We agree [pause] with our little sister’s prayer [background: yes Lord]. We stand with her now, in Jesus’ Name. [more background noise] Ohhhh, come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit, use Rifqa to be an Esther for His [unintelligible] right now, God, for such a time as this. 6.16

Unknown female: Father, we pray, God, for Rifqa, we thank you that you’ve raised the voice in this hour, God, that you’ve [unintelligible] an Esther in this hour, God, to stand [unintelligible] that Muslims would be saved, God. We cry 6.39 [unintelligible] great awakening 6.45 in the Muslim community. Let your voice begin to thunder and make it to shatter [unintelligible] so the Islamics (?) will be saved. Your name, o God, is above every other name and we lift your name, God, and we say, Come, receive your inheritance today, in Jesus’ name. 7.04

Second female: And, Father, we pray for Rifqa as an Esther, Father [LE: Yes, God, yes, Lord]. And even as Esther had seasoned as Hadassah, Father, this one that prayed in her closet, Father I ask that you’ll turn her from a season of hiddenness to a season of unveiling. Father, I ask that you’ll open doors for her that no man can shut and that you’ll shut doors that no man can open. Father, I ask for media attention on this little Rifqa girl 7.30 that the testimony of Jesus will go out to CNN, will go out to talk shows (LE: Yeeess), that you’ll use this little story all across America, that the Gospel will be preached [unintelligible]. 7.45

LE: Father, we pray that you would expose the hidden darkness that is rolling into the nation through these ideologies. Use her as an Esther, God. Lord, when her whole life is at stake, really, we pray for your protection, Lord. Esther said, pray and fast for me and my maidens will fast. Father, we pray and fast for our little sister tomorrow. We pray, ohhh, that You would protect her, God, would You cover her, would you grant her an open door to speak and preach Your Gospel. 8.15 We pray, God, that You would, God, give her favor with the courts in America, we need to right now, we need to pray for these courts [glossolalia heard in background], we need to pray for the judges, even, even, even now the very family that took her in is being investigated for criminal activity because they simply harbored her because her life was threatened and the emphasis is more on the family than on the threat of death against her. Something’s wrong. We must break through. Would you lift your voices? We’re going to unmute for a moment and we’re gonna pray for protection, pray for the Lorenz family to get a testimony of Jesus, to [unintelligible for the last 10 seconds of recording].

There's just so much I could say in response to this, but I'm actually kind of speechless. However, I will note Rifqa's got the rhetoric common in this particular movement down cold. "Generational curses"? I'm hard-pressed to detect in what I heard any trace of the Muslim that might have been.

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