Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Innocent? Nope. Deceptive? Yup. Insanely Crazy? Absolutely.

That's how I feel about some people who are selling this bumper sticker:

It sounds like a nice sentiment. "Oh, let's pray for the President." However, if you whip out your Bibles, this is what Psalm 109:8 says:

"Let his days be few; and let another take his office."

Uh...that sounds like Secret Service material.

And then there's the next verse (Psalm 109:9):

"Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."

Reminds me of a story I read just last month about a guy in California who was threatening Obama:

(10-15) 11:40 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A Del Norte County man has been indicted by a federal grand jury in San Francisco on charges that he threatened in an e-mail to kill President Obama and members of his family.

John Gimbel, 59, of Crescent City e-mailed a message Sept. 28 bearing a subject line that read, in part, "Kill the 'president' ... then write 'fed s-' on his chest with a felt tip," said the indictment issued Tuesday, two days before Obama's scheduled visit to San Francisco today for fundraisers at the St. Francis Hotel.

In the body of the e-mail, Gimbel allegedly wrote, "Kill that ... wife of yours," and, "Do it to his children and family first in front of him. Failure to comply. That'll teach him."

Gimbel was indicted on charges of making threats against the president, threats against the president's immediate family and threats transmitted through interstate communication.


What a fun guy!

So, my question is, if John Gimbel can be arrested for this, why aren't these bumper sticker and gimme cap and t-shirt makers prosecuted? (These links may hopefully disappear soonish.) I don't know that a Bible verse should make a person any less immune from prosecution. After all, I suspect that these are the same guys who will quote the Qur'an and say, "Oooh how wicked!"

Pot. Kettle. Black. Or, to be biblical about it, mote, beam, eye. (Matthew 7:3, Luke 6:42)

Update: The bumper stickers, gimme caps, t-shirts and so on have been removed from CafePress and Zazzle.

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